Supporting people in Leominster and the surrounding area
Charity Number 1194140
Our sessions are 11am-12 noon on Tuesdays and Fridays.
There is currently building work going on around the building which is impacting our parking availability, so whilst it is possible to pick up food by car, please be extremely careful when driving to our premises. The car park can become gridlocked - particularly at the beginning of sessions. Alternative short stay free parking is available nearby, around The Grange (public park) or on Church Street.
Food parcels will be given if you have a referral voucher. You will need to come and collect your food or find someone to collect on your behalf.
Leominster Food Bank is at the Old Priory, Leominster HR6 8EQ - next door to the YHA Youth Hostel and behind Leominster Priory Church.
It is accessible by car or on foot. DRIVE VERY SLOWLY on approach to the Old Priory. Our car park is shared use and can often become gridlocked. Park off site if you are able to.
There are often people with very limited mobility outside the building..
To get a food parcel you will need a referral from one of the agencies who can issue vouchers. These include:
Stonewater Housing
Connexus Housing
Local schools
Age UK
Turning Point
Local Welfare Provision
Early Years Provision
Health visitors
Social Care
Children’s Services
Leominster Community Money Advice Connect Centre
If you have an agency in touch with you already, you can ask them to refer you.
If you are an agency not yet working with us, and want to make a referral for someone; please get in touch.
If you have no agency that could refer you, please phone or text 07563 000862 to find out how to get a referral.
Please leave any donations in our collection points at Leominster Co-op, Morrisons, the Community Donation Point at Aldi or Leominster Community Centre.
Install the free app - Bank The Food - to find out our current needs whenever you go shopping.
We collect:
Bags! Good quality, clean ‘Bags for Life’ and strong carrier bags
Tinned Meat, tinned pies and Fish
Breakfast cereals
Long Life Milk
Pet food
Jam, Marmite, chocolate spread, peanut butter and honey
Sweets, Chocolate
Tinned vegetables, fruit, puddings and soup
Washing powder and washing up liquid
Deodorant, shampoo, shower gel
Toothpaste and toothbrushes, razors and shaving foam
Non perishable goods only at donation points please - must be in date!
If you have home grown produce that you would like to donate, or if you are a food business with fresh food to donate, please get in touch with us.
We welcome your monetary donations however large or small. You can drop a cheque into our post box made payable to “Leominster Food Bank” or make a BACS donation to us.
Don’t have a voucher?
Anyone can come to our Food Bank sessions between 11.30-12 on Tuesdays or Fridays to access free ‘food share’ fresh food such as bread, fruit and vegetables.
No voucher or appointment is required for this food but it is dependent on donations that day and cannot be guaranteed.
We also have a free food share on:
Saturdays and Wednesdays at 1.30-2pm at The Old Priory,
HR6 8EQ.
Everyone is welcome. Please walk or make use of the free parking in Church Street or around The Grange (public park) if you are able to. Our car park is shared use and can become gridlocked.
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© 2020 Leominster Food Bank